Volunteers — OvalOptions Mediation Services

The Colorado Conflict Clinic through OvalOptions will be closing as of December 31, 2023. We are actively exploring the possibility of a non-profit organization taking over the Clinic program and continuing this valuable service in the future.

We extend our deepest gratitude to all participants, volunteers, and supporters, and will update this space with contact information for the new organization once it becomes available.

If you are interested in volunteer opportunities, contact information for any organization that takes over the Clinic will be posted here.

OvalOptions continues to offer volunteer opportunities!

OvalOptions ran the Jefferson County Mediation Services (JCMS) which is now closed. However, OvalOptions continues to offer opportunities to volunteer!  Volunteering with OvalOptions is a great way to mentor, continue to learn and grow as an experienced mediator and develop a firm foundation, solid skills and get experience as a new mediator.

New Volunteer Opportunities: 

Through its Colorado Conflict Center (CCC), OvalOptions offers statewide, fixed-fee, online mediation services for disputes with less than $25,000 at stake that have been or could be filed in small claims or county courts. CCC also provides online mediation services for disputes related to parenting time, child support, and dissolution of marriage/civil union/divorce for qualifying domestic cases. Parties pay a fixed administrative fee and agree to have volunteer mediators work with their case.  All mediations are conducted through Zoom, allowing parties access to mediation regardless of their location. To be eligible to be a CCC volunteer, you must have 40 hours (or equivalent) of training in mediation, as well as pay for and pass a background check.

To apply to volunteer for the CCC online mediation program, please send your certificate of completion for training, cover letter, and resume to Options@OvalOptions.com. Please be certain you provide all information; incomplete applications will not be considered. 

Upon acceptance to CCC, volunteers must pay for* and complete training before mediations will be assigned to them. CCC requires the following: 

  1. three-hour online Zoom Mediation Training through OvalOptions ($99 for CCC volunteers, regularly $150);  

  2. two-hour online Volunteer Mediator Orientation (no cost); 

  3. three-hour online Parental Responsibilities and Child Support Mediation Training (if applicable; $99 for CCC volunteers, regularly $150); and**

  4. three-hour online Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union Mediation Training (if applicable; $99 for CCC volunteers, regularly $150).**

  5. two-hour Landlord-Tenant Training (if applicable; $79 for CCC volunteers, regularly $100).**

** These trainings are done through Aspen Solutions Incorporated. If you wish to volunteer to mediate domestic cases (parental responsibilities, child support, and dissolution of marriage/civil union (divorce) disputes) through CCC, you will need to pay for and attend the appropriate domestic trainings. The Landlord-Tenant training is required for mediating landlord-tenant cases.

These trainings are required to volunteer for CCC and also teach skills that can be used in private mediation practices. CCC also provides regularly scheduled low-cost trainings and free monthly mediator roundtables throughout the year.

* Scholarships may be available to CCC volunteers for any training.  

Volunteer and other trainings are currently scheduled!!  Hover over a date in the calendar below for details! 

All trainings listed above have been migrated to Aspen Solutions Incorporated. Please visit www.AspenSolutionsIncorporated.com for the current training schedule.


Benefits of Volunteering for the Colorado Conflict Clinic

  • Convenience: CCC’s online mediation platform allows volunteers to mediate regardless of their location and current public health or safety guidelines. Mediators can avoid traffic, parking headaches, and unnecessary public contact.

  • Flexible Scheduling: Mediations can be scheduled both on weekdays and weekends, during daytime and evening hours.

  • Training and Development: Mediations are frequently conducted using a co-mediation model. New mediators are paired with an experienced mediator for each mediation until they are approved as a “Lead” for mediations. By giving and receiving feedback, all mediators continue to develop through their time and experience in mediation. Further, CCC provides free or low-cost training to its volunteer mediators.

  • Growth of Mediation Market:  CCC trains and develops its mediators with the goal of growing and improving the reputation of mediation as an alternative to court by maintaining a high standard for mediators throughout Colorado.

  • Giving Back/Philanthropy:  Traditional mediation may be time and cost prohibitive to some parties.  CCC enables its volunteer mediators to reach parties who may not have been able to participate in mediation previously.  It also provides an avenue for experienced mediators to train/mentor new mediators.

  • Support:  CCC’s volunteer mediators are provided administrative support and covered by OvalOptions’ insurance when mediating for CCC.

  • Compensation:  While volunteers are not compensated monetarily, they receive a host of benefits and value from participating in our program.

Q&As about Volunteering

Q: Will OvalOptions volunteers still be able to get credit for volunteer hours?

A: Yes! OvalOptions’ volunteer program has volunteer hours tracking.

Q: What about co-mediation opportunities?

A: Yes, OvalOptions’ volunteer program uses the co-mediation model.

Q: Will there still be forums and CEs?

A: Yes, there will be continuing education opportunities including forums.