Online Divorce Mediation

Affordable, Virtual, Flexible

Legally end your marriage, and stay safe and healthy while you save time and money.

OvalOptions divorce mediation services are remote and flexible. Our mediators will meet you where you are, virtually - whether you’re at work, at home, or traveling.

Virtual divorce mediation services are efficient and time-saving. And if you’re a frequent business traveler, our virtual divorce mediation services can help you and your spouse find an agreeable solution without disrupting your schedules.

Why choose mediation over a divorce?

Mediation is faster and more affordable than litigation. It’s also less intimidating.

It’s the ideal solution for couples working together to end their marriage amicably. But even if you and your spouse are having a challenging divorce, mediation is still often a better solution than litigation.

Litigation can cost upwards of $10,000. With mediation, you can close this chapter and move forward faster and at a fraction of the cost.


Under “normal” circumstances, divorce is a significant, life-disrupting event.

During a global pandemic, divorce isn’t merely disruptive; it’s potentially catastrophic. We typically mediate divorce in-person, but today, that isn’t possible. And for many couples, the thought of virtual mediation can seem strange and complicated.

Because divorce is an emotional experience, and amidst the backdrop of a socially, politically, and emotionally challenging time, the stress and frustration of an online divorce can quickly cripple couples already struggling to navigate the normal challenges of divorce.

Virtual divorce mediation is our only option during the pandemic - and in our opinion, that’s positive, and here are five reasons why:

  1. Couples often feel more comfortable in familiar surroundings (like home) versus a stranger’s office.

  2. Online divorce mediation keeps you - and us - healthy and safe.

  3. Virtual divorce mediation allows for more flexibility in session scheduling.

  4. Online divorce mediation helps the conciliation process continue, even when face-to-face meetings are impossible or couples don’t want to be in the same room.

  5. Virtual divorce mediation makes conflict resolution possible regardless of the spouses (and mediators) location.

Successful online divorce mediations are about more than technology.

It takes experienced and qualified online divorce mediators to mediate emotionally-charged and challenging conversations virtually.
Our mediators have extensive training and experience in handling online mediations effectively.


OvalOptions can help close this difficult life chapter so you - and your spouse - can move forward.

Our affordable online divorce mediation services help couples develop amicable solutions around parental rights, finances, schedules, pets, schools, transportation, property, and more. Ultimately, we have two goals:

  1. Mediate the settlement of disagreements.

  2. Give peace of mind to all involved parties.

Our Online Divorce Mediation Approach

Many OvalOptions mediators are attorneys, but we’re mediators first! We won’t push you into a settlement only for the sake of it. We’ll help you and your spouse craft an agreement you can both agree on.

Don’t hand your power over to a judge when you can create a detailed solution that considers your circumstances.

It’s a simple process; here are the steps:

Get in touch for a complimentary consultation.

  • You and your spouse sign our agreement for online mediation services. 

  • We’ll select a best-fit mediator.

  • Mediators will schedule the first and subsequent sessions (if more than one session is required). 

  • Mediators work with you to draft documents for any agreements reached that you can then file with the court.

You have questions about online divorce mediation;
we have answers. 

How does online divorce mediation work?

Online divorce mediation is similar to in-person mediation with one exception - it’s virtual. We’ll give you access to a virtual meeting room, and our skilled mediator will delicately guide you and your partner through our online mediation process. We’ll help you identify, examine, work out, and settle the issues keeping you from an uncontested divorce.

Who can benefit from online divorce mediation?

Every couple struggling through a difficult divorce can benefit from online divorce mediation. Once the pandemic is over, time-strapped professionals, busy parents, high-conflict couples, and separated partners living in different homes, regions, states, or even countries, will find online divorce mediation an excellent solution.

How do I know it’s time to hire an online mediator?

Once you make the painful and difficult decision to divorce, it's probably time to work with an online mediator. With a skilled mediator's guidance, couples can come to joint legal, logistical, and financial resolutions, resulting in the ability to file for an uncontested or minimally contested divorce.

Do my spouse, and I need to be in the same place?

Couples don’t have to be in the same place, either physically or emotionally, during virtual divorce mediation. That’s why it’s an attractive solution for high-conflict partners. You can participate in an online divorce mediation session from any location with reliable Internet access and privacy.

How - and where - do I access OvalOptions online meeting platform?

We’ll provide you with access to a virtual meeting room with a meeting password. All you need is your laptop or desktop computer, smartphone, or other devices (an iPad, for example).

How long can I expect my divorce to be finalized after mediation?

Online divorce mediation is a time-saving alternative to a protracted court dispute. With our skilled mediators' assistance, an uncontested divorce can be finalized no less than 90 days after you file with the court.

How do I get started?

Complete the form at the bottom of this page, and we’ll reach out to schedule your complimentary consultation.

With our guidance, you and your spouse can come to a joint resolution for your financial, legal, parental, and logistical matters so you can file for an uncontested or minimally contested divorce.

Complete our form, and an expert will get in touch for a free consultation.