Online Mediation for Families
Family dynamics can be stressful enough. With social distancing and work-from-home strategies, these dynamics become more complicated in close quarters. For those whose families with parenting plans, this adds even more layers of complexity.
It is best to address these situations early to avoid an accumulation of tension, confusion, and arguments.
You can use online mediation for:
Developing work-from-home schedules
Re-designing parenting plans
Structuring drop-off/pick up-times
Updating parenting exchange locations
Negotiating the safest options for everyone (public health orders do not automatically change parenting plan agreements)
Addressing parenting style(s) in these uncertain times
Reaching agreemnet about educational, social, and recreational activities for children
Going over house rules, guidelines, chores, responsibilities, etc.
Identifying and addressing sources of tension, stress, and disagreement