Transform Damaging Pressure into Constructive Power 

VENTIT allows your staff to anonymously file complaints and seek guidance for issues at work that concern them. It connects your business and staff with independent dispute resolution services. Enrollment tiers based on number of staff.

Services Descriptions

Anonymous Complaint Pathway (ACP): Staff personnel can contact us via email or phone to lodge a complaint or voice a concern (work or domestic). Sometimes, they just need to vent frustrations and “get things off their chest”. Depending on what they request and we recommend, we will relay the complaint to you while maintaining anonymity and focus on the issue. The ACP also allows for the following, dependent on enrollment levels.

Helpful Tips: We provide tips on how the complainant can address the specified situation for all enrollment levels,

Engagement: Apply more in-depth services like mediation or coaching (this would require anonymity to be willfully waived if situation is work related).

Tracking and Reporting: The ACP allows for anonymous complaint theme tracking and reporting.

Consultation: In-house consultation available two hours per month.


  • Timely assistance with subtle yet important aspects of internal dynamics

  • A confidential gauge of your company's internal temperature and barometer

  • Discount on standard OvalOptions services (e.g. mediation, trainings, facilitation)

  • Help avoid sudden loss of labor and decrease turnover

  • Provide supportive assistance to your staff for work- and home-related issues

  • A portal to independent dispute resolution services and consulting

The Process

  1. A person at your business, who is feeling pressure, contacts us via email, phone or web-form

  2. They will describe the situation to us

  3. We will discuss to clarify the situation and possible next steps:
    Tips and guidance; discuss what can be done immediately; possible services we can provide

  4. We may suggest that we reach out to supervisor on behalf of “anonymous”

  5. Further action (mediation, facilitation, referral to other services) may be recommended

  6. Produce status and feedback reports as requested


Just Venting

Sometimes, it’s just good to vent. To talk with someone about a frustration or worry. Venting can also help to better understand and articulate a problem.

Internal “Temperature”/ Latent Issues

There’s a lot that goes on under the surface of a business. Maybe a supervisor had a bad morning and it’s creeping into the work space. Or an employee is struggling to understand work flow. Whatever the case may be, the seemingly trivial or small problems can linger and build upon each other. Like a shark just below the surface of the water; we may not see it, but we’ll sure feel it when it bites.

Safe Space

Even with an “open door” policy, many employees find it difficult to bring up complaints and requests, or ask for assistance. It is common that they do not know how to bring up such subjects in the first place. On top of that, the fear of reprisal for bringing up certain things is an dissuading factor.  VENTIT provides employees (and others) a safe and confidential outlet for bringing up certain issues, clarifying them, and receiving advice and assistance.

Caution Flags

We will track and categorize incoming contacts and will notify you if we discover certain trends or patterns or recurrences that we feel are important to address with other methods. All contacts remain anonymous unless expressly authorized by the individual.

Periodic Reports

We will provide reports periodically or as requested.  Reports will consist of number of phone calls, category-based list of issues brought up, level of frustration, etc.

Further Assistance

Certain issues may require more in-depth methods of resolution, such as mediation or training. Each method is voluntary. If an issue falls outside our area of expertise (e.g. domestic abuse, substance abuse), then we can provide referrals to appropriate agencies.


When enrolled in VENTIT, clients receive discounts on standard services provided by OvalOptions. This includes issues affecting employees’ private lives (family, neighbor, etc.).  Issues involving trademarks, service marks or logos receive a separate, not additional, 10% discount.

Industry Reports

VENTIT data can be organized to develop and produce industry statistics if requested by an association or other group. Conditions apply.

We are developing a sexual harassment reporting tool to include with VENTIT. Please stay tuned for further information.