Training Catalog

Our training modules can be delivered "of the shelf" or tailored to the unique needs of our clients.

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Dealing With Difficult People

We all have unique personalities and sometimes they clash. This session aims to help attendees understand why other people can be difficult, how to change the interaction dynamic and improve communications. More info...

Having Uncomfortable Conversations

Some conversations need to be engaged, but are often neglected due to dread anticipation, trepidation of how to "bring it up," uncomfortable feelings and procrastination. Here, attendees will be provided the skills, as well as the understanding behind them, to better manage critical conversations and the atmosphere they present.

Inter-generational Conflict

It seems every generation has tension with those before and after it. This is nothing new, yet the pace of technological advances in communication and sophistication compound today's tensions, from work ethic to personal goals. This session approaches such tensions, and how to manage and overcome them, from viewpoints of different generations.

Understanding Conflict

This course focuses on the psychological aspects of conflict and disagreement. Topics include personality types, conflict styles, and the circle of conflict. Participants will gain a better understanding of the root causes of disagreements so that they can better recognize, address and resolve conflicts as well as gain skills on how to handle some difficult conversations.

Partnership Disputes

Geared toward small businesses, this course focuses on common issues within partnerships, from personal differences to systemic challenges. Attendees will receive tips and guidelines to developing a dispute communication framework. Interaction is encouraged and specific issues can be related to us beforehand (via email or phone...held in confidence) or during session.